The Week That Was

We're excited about Fall Back and wishing everyone a safe Happy Halloween! But is there a need to Trick or Treat this year? Most of us have been anxiously eating candy and wearing a mask for months! 😷

Jon Stewart is heading back to TV. We're wondering, after five years away from a nightly program, can and will Stewart's show for Apple live up to what are undoubtedly be high expectations. 

Yes, November 3rd is approaching! The of anxiety, fear and unrest in America has been unbelievable. Let's VOTE and settle down America. 

And, no matter what anyone says, brands have found a way through social media to maintain income growth and stay relevant. Good for them!

In Memoriam 


....Saw the Conversation Circle come back together after a long hiatus. There was little time to exchange opinions and views. Many of us were caught up in changing careers and dealing with family demands. Then the pandemic arrived, and so did uncertainty. But, now we're back on track!

James Bond movies, ranked, from Sean Connery to Daniel Craig - CNET 

Sean Connery dies at age 90. Sir Sean Connery will forever be, Bond, James Bond 007, to us. He truly was, for so many of a certain generation, the sexiest man alive!


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