Is Megyn Kelly a Good Fit for NBC News?


Megan Kelly's recent troubles such as her interview with InfoWars' Alex Jones, to her first outing on NBC being not so impressive, to "the second broadcast of Kelly's show down in total viewers from her premiere", then today TVNewser reports "a re-air of CBS' 60 Minutes more than doubled the viewership of "Sunday Night with Megyn Kelly", TCC was taken back to its first comments regarding Kelly and the NBC viewers.

In a piece TCC wrote after learning Kelly appeared to be forcing out Tamron Hall we offered, "NBC News execs can only hope Kelly brings a significant portion of her Fox News audience".
While Kelly's current viewership challenge applies to her weekly "Sunday Night with Megyn Kelly" show, a daily broadcast of Kelly's news show, scheduled to begin airing this fall, could prove an even greater challenge now.

Kelly does have the benefit of NBC News brass ensuring the show would have all the keys for success such as, a "Today" lead-in and a third hour the network programs for affiliates".  (It has also been reported Kelly has added veteran tv producer Jackie Levin.) However, Kelly could still prove to be unsuccessful as the unknowable remains, how many viewers will move with Kelly and how many existing viewers will stick around for a former Fox News host.

So far, the signs are not looking so good for Kelly and NBC's existing viewership. Keys to success aside, Kelly would not be the first high profile news anchor to fail in the daytime arena. Anderson Cooper, Katie Couric and Meredith Vieira had short-lived shows. TCC always questioned whether Kelly was a good fit for NBC's established audience. And some on social media are suggesting the signs are pointing to Kelly being better off returning to Fox News.


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