ShondaLand Gets TGIT Renewals and Growing Legacy


As ShondaLand continues its reign over Thursday night programs, airing on ABC known as TGIT, TCC is reminded of the mega television producers in the 60s and 70s. During that period it was not uncommon for viewers to be familiar with writer/producers such as, Aaron Spelling, Norman LearStephen J. Cannell and Garry Marshall. Now Shonda Rhimes is most certainly added to the group of television producing wonders.

With ShondaLand's early triple renewal for its shows, "Grey's Anatomy", "Scandal" and "How To Get Away With Murder", (no word if ABC will continue to run the programs back to back),  and a new drama project in the works, there is little doubt of Rhimes' place in television producing history and her growing legacy.

Rhimes has also found success in the publishing world with her bestselling book, "Year of Yes", and her follow up "Year of Yes Journal". Rhimes will also be teaching an online television writing course through Rhimes' Master Class.


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