Jeff Berg's Resolution Dissolving

When legendary veteran agent and former Chairman of International Creative Management (ICM) Jeff Berg launched Resolution everyone had high expectations. Although, at the time, it had been said some of Berg's former clients wanted Berg to open a small boutique agency. After all Berg had the heavyweight clients, connections and reputation to match. Now, after requests for pay cuts forced many top agents to leave the agency, it's been reported that the talent agency has announced it's dissolving. Apparently, Resolution's Chinese partner, Bison Capitol has not fulfilled its funding commitment.

Related: Is Resolution Becoming A Revolving Door?  UPDATE: Resolution Becoming Revolving Door 

Back in July one of our Conversation Circle members caught wind of Dennis Kim, a veteran TV literary agent who was wooed away from a boutique agency in July of 2013, exiting the agency. At the time we thought Kim's exit spelled trouble. Kim had been brought to Resolution to head up the TV Lit department and give the new agency a "toehold (which Resolution never got) in the lucrative TV lit business". We felt Resolution needed a "foothold", which called for a heavyweight. It also seems Resolution's concern about having too many gray-hairs around was the least of its concerns. Berg started Resolution 18 months ago. We're not counting the legendary Jeff Berg out though!


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