Oscar Selfie Sorta Spontaneous
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It seems the now famous Oscar selfie, that included A-list stars, was part of a "sponsorship" package for Samsung. Okay, most of us got the "product placement" part of Samsung's deal, but was the selfie spontaneous? It seems Ellen DeGeneres planned to do selfies during the broadcast, then had to be trained on how-to-use the Samsung Galaxy during rehearsals. In any event, Samsung donated $3 million dollars to charity and it was a great selfie planned or not! It appears the Oscars was a good investment for Samsung because we're still talking about Samsung and the Oscar selfie!Related:
Ellen DeGeneres' Oscar "Selfie" Payoff For Charity
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Ellen's preplanned Oscar selfie: a Samsung product placement http://t.co/1OgGwIQhyr
— ConversationCircle (@ConversationCir) March 4, 2014
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